50+ Best Affiliate Programs for Christian Bloggers

As a Christian content creator, your main priority is probably creating excellent content that encourages, inspires, or helps your readers solve a problem you have experienced yourself.
You didn’t start blogging to get rich or because you wanted to be a full-time business owner. You simply wanted to help people, and maybe earn a little income on the side.
Yet, if you website isn’t earning an income, it isn’t sustainable.
You need to invest in your ministry if you want it to grow (buying software, taking courses, hiring a VA, etc). Your family has bills to pay, and you deserve to earn a fair wage for your time.
Yes, you CAN earn a real income, fulfill your God-given purpose, and serve your readers well.
And affiliate marketing is one great way to do just that!
What is Affiliate Marketing?
With affiliate marketing, you promote a product or service someone else created in exchange for a commission. Typically, you earn a fixed percentage (2-50%) for every sale made through your unique affiliate link, which you receive 30-90 days later.
For example, you might share an affiliate link for your favorite book, fair-trade jewelry, art class, or subscription box on social media, your website, or via your email list. When someone clicks your link and purchases a product, you automatically earn a portion of the sale!
Why Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is just one way to earn money online as a Christian content creator, but it comes with some serious benefits that make it perfect for content creators at every level.
1. You can start for free (no inventory, no risk)
You don’t need to purchase a “kit” or store any inventory. Just sign up and grab a link to share.
2. It’s MUCH easier and faster than creating your own product.
While creating a product is another great way to earn income online, it typically requires a lot more time, expense, and tech to set up. Plus, you have no guarantee your product will even sell. Affiliate marketing lets you easily “try” different offers with your audience to see what works.
3. You can (sometimes) get graphics, swipe copy, and training materials for free!
With affiliate marketing, when YOU earn money, the product creator makes money. Therefore, it’s in their best interest that you do well. For this reason, some companies will provide ready-made professional graphics, swipe copy, and training to help you be as successful as possible.
This is honestly how I learned most of what I know about affiliate marketing! I was an affiliate for some great companies that offered great training. And now, I provide that same training to our affiliates as well — for free! It’s a win-win.
Note: One major negative of affiliate marketing is that you do need a substantial amount of traffic before you start making a substantial income.
This doesn’t mean you should wait until you have a large platform to start, however.
By promoting affiliate offers early, you’re training your audience to buy from you, you’re learning how to sell in an authentic and effective way, and you’re creating assets that will still exist as your site grows.
For example, I wrote posts on the 10 Best Bible Studies for Christian Women and the 5 Best Subscription Boxes for Christian Women YEARS ago. Now, I earn passive income from them month after month, and all I do is update them every few years (when I remember).
Selling products does NOT have to be sleazy or slimy.
People WANT to know about great products that will truly help them. (If there’s an amazing, must-read book out there that would help solve your problems, wouldn’t YOU want to know?)
By recommending your favorite products, you’re saving people time and money while offering them the solutions they’re looking for. That’s not salesy… That’s service!
Top Affiliate Programs for Christian Bloggers
How to use this list: Do NOT apply for every program. Instead, simply peruse the list and look for a few great options that make sense for your site, that you could feel good recommending.
Please note: Not all of these companies are Christian companies, specifically. Rather, we did our best to choose reputable companies that would make sense for a Christian blogger to link to, depending on your specific niche. We have not worked with all of these companies personally.
*The links below will take you to where you can sign up for each affiliate program, since that’s typically a bit more difficult to find than information about the companies themselves.
My Favorite Affiliate Programs
- Amazon – Popular online retailer offering books, apparel, jewelry… basically everything!
- Christianbook – Online retailer of Bibles, books, CDs, DVDs, Christian toys, and more.
- Equipping Godly Women – Courses and semi-annual conferences for Christian women.
- Ultimate Bundles – Semi-yearly flash sales of “bundles” of ebooks, e-courses, and more.
Arts & Crafts
- Cricut – Smart cutting machines for designing and custom cards, apparel, and more.
- Etsy – Unique gifts, vintage items, handmade items, and craft supplies from artists.
- Mozaico – Custom handmade mosaic designs you can purchase and install yourself.
- S & S Worldwide – Similar to Oriental Trading; offers craft supplies, sports equipment, party supplies, and holiday decorations.
Bibles & Christian Literature
- Alabaster Co. – Beautiful Christian books, Bibles, and Bible studies.
- Answers in Genesis – Christian apologetics books and curriculum for defending the faith.
- Daily Grace Co – Beautiful, theologically rich Bible studies, accessories, and more.
- FaithGateway – Trusted Christian resources such as Bibles, books, and Bible studies.
- Kingfolk Co. – Faith-based company selling Bibles, Bible tabs, stickers, and Bible covers.
- Well-Watered Woman – Bible studies, journals, and more for Christian women.
Catholic Ministries
- Ignatius Press – Catholic publishing house featuring books, movies, and music.
- TAN Books – Books, homeschool materials, and resources for specific Catholic occasions.
- The Catholic Company – Catholic books, jewelry, gifts, and more.
Clothing, Gifts, and Jewelry
- Active Faith Sports – Fashionable and functional sportswear with faith-based messages.
- Apples of Gold – Christian fine jewelry company committed to high moral standards.
- Christian Strong – Faith-based religious apparel for Christians.
- Faith Gear Store – Christian shirts, clothing, jewelry, gifts, and more.
- Faithful & Co. – Cute, colorful t-shirts with inspirational messages and Bible verses.
E-Books & Courses
- Proverbial Homemaker – Digital courses on homemaking, homeschooling, and organization.
- Woman of Noble Character – Bible studies and courses.
For Pastors and Bible Study Leaders
- ChurchSource – Bulk Bibles and church resources for small groups and different occasions.
- Logos Bible Software – Powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform with commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more.
- Ministry Pass – Sermon series, notes, and graphics library for church leaders.
Giftbox Subscriptions
- Artza Box – Subscription box with foods, crafts, and more from Israeli artisans and charities.
- Bible Belles – Monthly subscription boxes and book series for girls ages 5-14.
- Cratejoy – Hundreds of different subscription boxes for every hobby and passion.
- KiwiCo – Subscription boxes and STEM kits for kids ages 0-100.
Home Goods
- Mercy House Global – Fair-trade apparel, jewelry, home goods and more.
- Plan to Eat – Drag-and-drop subscription meal planning service.
- Precious Moments – Collectible porcelain ornaments, dolls, figurines, and more.
- Target – Retailer offering gifts, groceries, equipment, furniture, and more.
Homeschool & Education
- Alpha Omega Publications – Individualized homeschool curriculum.
- Compass Classroom – Engaging homeschool video curriculum from a Christian worldview.
- Everyday Graces Homeschool – Homeschool curriculum and Charlotte Mason resources.
- Nest Learning – Online retailer focused on wholesome family entertainment, homeschool curriculum, and Sunday school/VBS resources.
- Not Consumed – Homeschool curriculum, Bible studies, and kids’ devotionals.
- We Choose Virtues – Curriculum designed to inspire character through 12 essential virtues.
Journals, Notebooks, & Planners
- Cultivate What Matters – Goal-focused planners and more.
- Erin Condren – Personalized and custom notebooks, stationery, notecards, and more.
Technology & TV
- Covenant Eyes – Screen accountability software to help overcome pornography addiction.
- Pureflix – Stream positive, uplifting movies & shows on any device.
- VidAngel – A video streaming company that allows the user to skip objectionable content.
- Bein Harim Tours – Guided tours of Israel and the Holy Land.
- Expedia – Vacation homes, car rentals, flights, hotels, and vacations at a discounted rate.
- Tripadvisor – Plan your next trip, read reviews, and get travel advice from their community.
Website and Small Business Owners
- BigScoots – Premium website hosting company for WordPress websites.
- Canva – Easy-to-use online design software
- Fiverr – Platform for business owners to hire freelancers at an affordable price.
- Namecheap – Website domain service for buying and registering website domain names.
- Screen Pal – Easy-to-use screencasting and video editing software.
Event-Based, Limited Time Affiliate Programs
In addition to the evergreen Christian affiliate programs listed above, some bloggers will host time-sensitive events (like online conferences) that you can promote for a limited time.
Typically, there isn’t a publicly-available form to fill out or program to sign up for. Rather, you would need to contact the individual bloggers to ask what promotions they have coming up.
Don’t let the little bit of extra work scare you, however. Online conferences can be a great source of extra income, a great way to learn affiliate marketing, and a great way to connect with other Christian bloggers.
- Equipping Godly Women – Christian faith, marriage, and parenting conferences.
- A Purpose Driven Mom – Conferences and membership for moms and mompreneurs.
- Finding Joy in Your Home – Christian homemaking conferences.
- Katie Orr – In-depth Bible study conferences for Christian women.
- Sojo Academy – Membership community with monthly Bible study guides and events.
Where to Find Additional Affiliate Programs
Looking for even more great affiliate programs? Here’s how you can.
1. Search an Affiliate Network by Keyword.
Popular affiliate networks include Commission Junction, Share-a-Sale, and Rakuten. New affiliate programs are added all the time, so you can find one perfect for your niche.
2. Search for a Specific Company or Product
If you already have a company in mind, simply search for that company or product name plus the word “affiliate program.” Some companies have programs, but they aren’t advertised well.
3. Contact your Favorite Companies Directly.
If you can’t find any information online, the company may not have a program or it may be private. You can always email them to check!
4. See What Other Bloggers are Promoting
By U.S. federal law, you have to disclose any affiliate links you share in a conspicuous location. This makes it easy to see what other people are sharing. Do a Google search for:
site:competitorwebsite.com “affiliate”
This will bring up all pages on their website that include the word “affiliate,” including posts that include a phrase like “This post contains affiliate links.”
Every website owner words their disclosures slightly differently, however, so use this as a jumping off point. You can also search words like “sponsored.”
That’s it!
This list is extensive, but not exhaustive. Hopefully, you’ve found some great companies that would be a good fit for your site. Go ahead and sign up and start promoting!